Over 1,000 companies and 60,000 registered users use Crunch.io to analyze their survey data.
45 years of datasets appended for simple and intuitive analysis of historical data
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is an independent, nonpartisan organization that provides insight into global issues and policy.
The Chicago Council Survey team, part of the Lester Crown Center on US Foreign Policy, uses Crunch.io to analyze data from its annual survey on American public opinion and US foreign policy.
They have appended over 45 years of public opinion datasets into one dataset, previously only available in separate files, to enable simple and intuitive analysis of historical data.
Industry | Think Tank |
About | Global affairs independent, nonpartisan organization |
Region | Global |
Case | Historical data |
Crunch.io has cut our data processing time down immensely. Longitudinal data analysis that used to take us hours now only takes us minutes.
This allows us to spend more time analyzing and writing up results rather than looking at individual data sets. That's gold for our research team.