Release Notes

Release 2023.06

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April 17, 2023

Crunch web application

  • Fixed the following:
    • Navigation between dashboard tabs was not working correctly.
    • Hidden columns became visible after performing a column sort on a dashboard tile.
  • Qualtrics integrations:
    • Fixed an issue where Qualtrics fields in a loop-and-merge integration were not sequential (i.e., the index in the list of fields did not correspond to the id of the CSV header).
    • Added support for “Authenticator” blocks that Qualtrics added to survey flows.

API endpoints and API reference

  • Added new API endpoints that allow you to retrieve and modify the preferences object for users.

Crunch Automation

Help desk and website improvements

  • CORRECTION (see updated link in the following): Created a new article that describes how to transition away from dataset sharing to folder-based sharing.