Release Notes

Release 2022.05

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March 14, 2022

Crunch web application

  • Fixed the following issues:
    • Multitable column header titles and descriptions could sometimes overlap.
    • An analysis with a multiple response variable in the column position and means in the cell positions may show dashes instead of actual means.
    • Exporting a tabbook would sometimes fail to report that an error occurred during the processing of a request.
    • Timeplots would sometimes not save to a deck successfully.
  • Improved numeric array analyses so that blank columns are now suppressed if the setting to show empty rows/columns is not checked.
  • Added the ability to provide arrow-based metadata in Parquet exports, which allows pyarrow users to easily utilize their datasets.

Crunch Automation

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Crunch Automation scripts from running on datasets with certain folder configurations.

Help desk and website improvements