Release Notes

Release 2022.02

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February 1, 2022

Crunch web application

  • Fixed an error that occurred in SurveyMonkey integrations when a “total” is not present in passed arguments.
  • Added the ability to export datasets in the Parquet file format, which allows users to select categorical IDs to generate a more efficient Parquet file (the default export for categorical columns is column names).
  • Added the ability to notify users when an invalid filter is applied as well as allow users to fix them.

Crunch Automation

  • Fixed an error in the ALTER ARRAY command that occurred when attempting to add subvariables from another array, which now displays an error on validation.
  • Added error messaging to the Crunch Automation panel in the web UI when an error occurs — selecting ‘Back’ now returns the user to the ‘Run script’ panel showing the script that failed.