Release Notes

Release 2021.37

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October 4, 2021

Crunch web application

  • Made the following fixes:
    • KPIs are now correctly set to a table cell when viewing a multiple response analysis.
    • Category hiding and color assignment are now correctly reflected in a dashboard tile.
    • Category labels that have been renamed using ‘Edit tile’ now show the correct label (vs. the original label) when sorting in a dashboard tile.
    • A properly formatted table now appears when switching between ‘Multitable’ and ‘Tables & graphs’ views.
    • Dashboard tiles that have a date/time variable in the analysis now load properly when the application of the group filters yielded ‘N=0’ for that tile.
  • Added the ability for the user to change the visualization type to a bar graph within the ‘Edit’ panel (in situations when the user selects the ‘Show means’ option for a univariate categorical variable in a saved table analysis).

Crunch Automation

  • Fixed a bug that occurred when using certain filers in the OVERWRITE VALUES command.
  • Added the ability when using the CREATE CUT command to allow numeric arrays, which then create categorical arrays as the output.

Help desk and website improvements

  • Added new information to the Adding your Branding to Crunch about how to customize the ‘Report an Issue link’ to allow users to ask questions to someone on your team who is most familiar with your data.