May 23, 2022

Easily create and share subsets of your datasets with different user groups

Give multiple stakeholders or clients access to the same dataset while ensuring that they only see the respondents and/or variables specifically shared with them.

Dataset Views: Quickly Create, Deliver, and Share Data Subsets

It’s increasingly common to collect data for multiple clients or multiple groups of stakeholders in one single survey. Whether for an Omnibus product, a syndicated data product or simply different regional groupings, it can be challenging to meet the different data needs of these client and stakeholder groups with a single dataset. To meet this need, Crunch has developed Dataset Views.

In a nutshell:

  • Dataset Views contain a subset of variables and/or respondents from a dataset
  • Dataset Views automatically update whenever the source dataset is updated

You can give multiple stakeholders or clients access to the same dataset while ensuring that they only see the Dataset View specifically shared with them. This is particularly helpful for omnibus surveys, syndicated data, and segmented data, e.g., geography or industry.

Examples of Use Cases

  • Respondent (Row)-Restricted View: A dataset with responses from respondents from different countries, e.g., US and UK. It’s now possible to create two views so that one user group can only see responses from the US and another group can only see responses from the UK.
  • Variable-Restricted View:
    1. A syndicated dataset with 20 questions covering entertainment and 20 covering travel. It’s now possible to create two views - one for entertainment questions and one for travel.
    2. An “Omnibus” style survey that contains questions belonging to multiple clients. It’s possible to give each client a View containing just the variables they have commissioned along with the demographics variables.

This feature is currently available to Early Access users.

For full details of this new feature and where to find it, see the help center.

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