Adding rich-text tiles to dashboards
Dataset editors can add rich-text tiles to a dashboard to display information such as terms and conditions, fieldwork dates, privacy notices, commentary and analysis, or any other content.
Dataset editors can add rich-text tiles to a dashboard to display information such as terms and conditions, fieldwork dates, privacy notices, commentary and analysis, or any other content.
Dataset editors can now add rich-text tiles to a dashboard. This can be used for dashboard analysis, terms and conditions, privacy notices, fieldwork dates and anything else the editor may wish to display. As an editor you are now able to:
Compose text content to display as tiles using a WYSIWYG editor - no coding skills required.
See a real-time preview of how your tile is going to look as you type and make formatting changes.
Alternatively, switch to markdown mode for greater control writing your own markdown syntax.
Move, resize and delete rich-text tiles.
Delete all tile types.
See our support documentation to get started.
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