Filtering dashboards
Dataset editors can now specify variables that can be used to filter all analyses in the dashboard at once – let your users customize their view data by gender, age, brand, and more with a single click.
Dataset editors can now specify variables that can be used to filter all analyses in the dashboard at once – let your users customize their view data by gender, age, brand, and more with a single click.
Dataset editors can add one or more variables to be used as filters across an entire dashboard with a simple drag-and-drop interface. This allows all dashboard viewers to get more out of your dashboards by customizing their view of the data. For example:
Add demographic variables such as gender, age, education level, region, and ethnicity to allow your viewers to drill down on the customer populations that interest them.
Add brands or products to create a dashboard that lets your viewers quickly understand the customer awareness, attitude, and usage of their products and competitors.
See our support documentation to get started.
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