Sep 23, 2020

Greater flexibility to customize tab books

Enhanced multitable exports (tab books), including new measures of uncertainty, summary statistics, and greater control for indications of statistical significance.

You can now choose a variety of advanced calculations to include in tab books (exported multitables) and other options to customize the exported tables. Table cells can now contain estimates of standard deviation and standard error, and column summaries can include the median of numeric values as well as the standard deviation for the column and standard error of the mean. Pairwise column significance tests can be conducted at the standard 0.05 level or customized with a second level of test, with the “less significant” test indicated with a lowercase letter.

The Settings panel for exporting Multitables just gained a bevy of new options, and a more intuitive design to choose them. For full details of all of the options available, see the help center.

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