and crunchyBody()
allow you to protect your app with
Crunch authentication and authorization. Add these UI contents to your
body to display different content for visitors who are
not authenticated with Crunch (crunchyPublicBody()
) or who are
authenticated but not authorized to access your app
crunchyPublicBody(...) crunchyUnauthorizedBody(...)
... | UI elements for your app, to be conditionally rendered |
An empty string; these functions are called for their side effects of
registering the UI elements so that crunchyServer()
can render them as
; setCrunchyAuthorization()
for governing who is
authorized to view your app.
# NOT RUN { # This is the example from crunchyBody(), adding these alternate bodies: shinyUI(fluidPage( tags$head( # This is content that will always be rendered tags$title("My secure app") ), crunchyBody( # This is content that only is rendered if the user is authorized fluidRow( column(6, h1("Column 1")), column(6, h1("Column 2")) ) ), crunchyPublicBody( # This is shown to visitors who are not logged into Crunch at all h1("Please log into Crunch.") ), crunchyUnauthorizedBody( # This is for Crunch users who don't meet your authorization criteria # Perhaps they don't have access to a particular dataset h1("You don't have access to this app."), tags$div("Contact your_admin@example.com.") ) )) # }