Forking a dataset makes a copy of the data that is linked by Crunch's version control system to the original dataset. When you make edits to a fork, users of the original dataset do not see the changes.
name = defaultForkName(dataset),
draft = FALSE,
project = defaultCrunchProject()
The CrunchDataset
to fork
character name to give the fork. If omitted, one will be provided for you
logical: Should the dataset be a draft, visible only to
those with edit permissions? Default is FALSE
Additional dataset metadata to provide to the fork
A ProjectFolder
object, string path that could be passed to cd()
relative to the root project, or a URL for a ProjectFolder
. If left empty,
rcrunch will look in envOrOption('crunch.default.project')
and error if nothing
is found.
The new fork, a CrunchDataset
A common strategy for revising a dataset that has been shared with others is
to fork it,
make changes to the fork, and then merge those changes back into the original
This workflow allows you to edit a dataset and review changes before
publishing them, so that you don't accidentally send your clients
incorrect data. For more on this workflow, see
vignette("fork-and-merge", package = "crunch")
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Defaults to being placed in the same project folder as the original dataset
ds_fork <- forkDataset(ds)
# But you can specify a project by path, `ProjectFolder` object or URL
ds_fork2 <- forkDataset(ds, project = "/Client1/forks/")
ds_fork3 <- forkDataset(ds, project = projects()[["My forks"]])
ds_fork4 <- forkDataset(ds, project = "")
} # }