Upload |
Upload data to Crunch to make a new dataset |
Import a fixture dataset for testing |
Generic method for converting objects to Crunch representations |
Construct a variable definition |
Add multiple variables to a dataset |
Manually trigger a pending append to a dataset |
Get the pending streams for a dataset |
Get and set the primary key for a Crunch dataset |
Translate a data.frame to Crunch format |
Upload a prepared data.frame with metadata to Crunch |
Load |
Get the names of datasets in a project |
Load a Crunch Dataset |
Get a catalog of datasets |
Dataset manipulation |
as.environment method for CrunchDataset |
See the appended batches of this dataset |
Remove batches from a dataset |
as.data.frame method for CrunchDataset |
Delete a Crunch object from the server |
Delete a dataset from the dataset list |
Dataset dimensions |
Permanently delete rows from a dataset |
View and set exclusion filters |
Restore a dataset to a previously saved version |
Create a new saved version |
Access the saved versions of a dataset |
Dataset weights |
Get a dataset's weightVariables |
Change which variables can be set as a dataset's weight. |
View and modify dataset-level settings |
Get and set the market size for Crunch datasets |
Lock and unlock a dataset for editing |
Set the streaming property of a dataset |
Get the palettes from a crunch object |
Multiple datasets |
Append one Crunch dataset to another |
Compare two datasets to see how they will append |
Add columns from one dataset to another, joining on a key |
Create a fork of a dataset |
Merge changes to a dataset from a fork |
Search Crunch for datasets. |
Variable manipulation |
S3 method to concatenate Categories and Category objects |
Convert a factor's levels into Crunch categories. |
Change the id of a category for a categorical variable |
Combine Categories in place |
Access a catalog of variables |
Delete Variables Within a Dataset |
Get or set a derived variable's expression |
Hide/Unhide or Privatize/Deprivatize Variables |
Omit missing categories |
Methods for Datetime variable resolutions |
Change Crunch variable types |
Get and set Categories on Variables |
Categories in CategoricalVariables |
Get all variable metadata for a dataset |
Deriving variables |
Construct Crunch Expressions from Crunch Database Functions |
Combine categories or responses |
Copy a variable |
Make a case variable |
Create a categorical or numeric variable based on conditions |
Cut a numeric Crunch variable |
Cut a Datetime Crunch variable |
Create a variable by interacting categorical variables |
Conditional transformation |
Generate a weight variable |
as.* methods for variables |
"which" method for CrunchLogicalExpr |
Create variables based on row-wise functions for crunch Multiple Response Variables |
Create variables useful for determining whether a row's values are suspicious |
Create sliding subvariable definitions |
Array variables |
Subvariables in Array Variables |
Add subvariable to an array |
Delete subvariables from an array |
Rearrange array subvariables |
Make a Categorical Array or Multiple Response variable |
Create Multiple Response Variable from Delimited lists |
Indicate how categories represent a dichotomized value |
Split an array or multiple-response variable into its CategoricalVariables |
Folders and organization |
Find and move entities to a new folder |
Functions to manipulate variables' or project's folder structure |
Change to different folder |
Delete a folder |
Change the order of entities in folder |
Change the name of the current folder |
Change the name of the entities in a catalog |
Copy the folder structure from one dataset to another. |
Copy the variable order from one dataset to another. |
Crunch Automation |
Run a crunch automation script |
Undo behavior of a Crunch Automation Script |
Crunch Automation scripts entities for a dataset |
Analysis |
Crunch xtabs: Crosstab and otherwise aggregate variables in a Crunch Dataset |
Univariate statistics on Crunch objects |
Work with CrunchCubes, MultitableResults, and TabBookResults |
Methods on Cube objects |
Calculate standardized residuals from a CrunchCube |
Modify cube missing behavior |
Get measure type of cube result |
Calculate an index table for a CrunchCube |
View or set a dashboard URL |
"duplicated" method for Crunch objects |
Get or set a dataset's filters |
is.na for Categories |
Multitable entities for a dataset |
Create a new filter |
Create a new Multitable |
Table function for Crunch objects |
Convert Variables to local R objects |
Column and row comparison |
Pairwise column and row comparison |
Decks |
Get a dataset's DeckCatalog |
Create an empty Crunch Deck |
Get and set slide analyses |
Access the slides of a CrunchDeck |
Append a new slide to a Crunch Deck |
Helper for creating slide dimension transformations for dashboards and exports |
Add a new markdown slide to a deck |
Manipulate deck titles |
Reorder slides in a CrunchDeck |
Export a Crunch Deck |
Data presentation |
Subtotals and headings |
Calculate the transforms from a CrunchCube |
Remove transformations from a CrunchCube |
Show transformations on a Crunch object |
Add summary statistics to a CrunchCube |
Summary insertions |
Insert categories in transformations |
Transformations of variable and cube views |
Export |
Make a CrunchBox |
Get HTML for embedding a CrunchBox |
Export a dataset to a file |
Check if a dataset will make a good CrunchBox |
Compute a Tab Book |
Write CSV to a compressed file |
Persist to disk a prepared data.frame and metadata |
Check a Crunch progress URL until it finishes |
CrunchDataFrame |
Merge a CrunchDataFrame |
TabBookResult and MultitableResult dimension |
Geodata |
Add geodata metadata to a crunch variable |
Get the property features for available geographies |
Geography properties for crunch variables |
Match categories with features from geodata |
Score similarity between a feature dataframe and categories |
Admin |
Get and set "archived" and "published" status of a dataset |
Crunch API Keys |
Crunch situation report |
Get and set the owner of a dataset |
Find all users on your account |
Retrieve your teams |
View and modify the "public" attribute of artifacts |
Read and set edit privileges |
My user entity |
Get information about users who have access to a dataset |
Extract the email from a User Entity |
Create a new folder |
See who owns these datasets |
Manage access to datasets and other objects |
List project folders |
Helper for switching between API keys and urls |
Share a dataset |
Revoke a user's access to a dataset |
Reassign all Crunch objects from a user |
Share Crunch assets with a team |
Utility |
Test whether a Crunch object belongs to a class |
Name, alias, and description for Crunch objects |
Get and set names, aliases on Catalog-type objects |
Get a fresh copy from the server |
View a Crunch Object in the Web Application |
as.data.frame method for catalog objects |
Get the body of a Catalog |
Give consent to do things that require permission |
HTTP methods for communicating with the Crunch API |
Get the URL of this object |
Get various catalogs for your Crunch session |
toJSON methods for Crunch objects |
Force variables catalog to be loaded |
Other |
Crunch Datasets |
Variables in Crunch |
Organize Datasets |
Mix-in class for multiple inheritance of variables and datasets. |
Collection of Variables within a Dataset |
Organize Variables within a Dataset |
crunch: Crunch.io Data Tools |
Internal |
Get/set options (user-specified, in environment, or in R options) |
Context managers |
Show methods for Crunch objects |
Set some global options temporarily |
Context manager's "with" method |
Retry |
DEPRECATED! Authenticate with the Crunch API |
Data |
Schema for the 2017 Stack Overflow developer survey |
R users who responded to the 2017 Stack Overflow developer survey |