group_by() sets grouping variables that affect what summarize() computes. ungroup() removes any grouping variables.

# S3 method for CrunchDataset
group_by(.data, ..., .add = FALSE)

# S3 method for CrunchDataset
ungroup(x, ...)



For group_by(), a Crunch Dataset


references to variables to group by, passed to dplyr::group_by_prepare()


Logical: add the variables in ... to any existing grouping variables, or replace them (the default).


For ungroup(), a Crunch Dataset


group_by() returns a GroupedCrunchDataset object (a CrunchDataset with grouping annotations). ungroup() returns a CrunchDataset.


Note that group_by() only supports grouping on variables that exist in the dataset, not ones that are derived on the fly. dplyr::group_by() supports that by calling mutate() internally, but mutate is not yet supported in crplyr.


if (FALSE) { ds %>% group_by(cyl) %>% select(cyl, gear) %>% collect() }